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~*~*~* Eternity of Vengeance had a MAJOR re-construction. I polished the original version, which has twice the content. The ending is the only part of the books written knowing someone else was going to read them and I second guessed myself and cut out almost half of the book because I thought readers would like it better. I was wrong, I guess. Once it's out I will make free copies available for those who purchased it. TM ~*~*~*~*


~*~*~*Eternity of Vengeance Extended Edition is now available~*~*~


Eternity of Vengeance, Book 7 of the Heku Series, ends the long journey following Chevalier and Emily.

Emily still holds Frederick in her grasp as all three factions strive to get him back to avoid a major war. Furious, the Encala go to extreme measures to get their Elder back and Emily finds herself in over her head.

Her dangerous ways and lack of what Chevalier calls 'self-preservation' drives her heku guards to try harder to protect her, even sending one over the edge.

Delve deeper into Chevalier's personality when Emily goes missing and he's forced to go on without her. See how things worked in the faction before her arrival and the lengths the Equites will go to to get her back.

Strange things begin happening to Emily and the heku watch helplessly as she suffers through mysterious ailments.


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Thanks for following me on this adventure through the world of the heku. I hope you've enjoyed it. ~ T.M.

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Eternity of Vengeance

Book 7 of the Heku Series

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